Topics Related to Journalism

Newspaperman and public official; ambassador to Nicaragua and Colombia; adviser to governor on racial affairs, 1963-64. Grave is ¼ mile S.E.
Radio correspondent in London during World War Two. Television interviewer & commentator. Born one mile east.
Journalist and author. Progressive observer of the South and politics. Moved to Baltimore in 1926. Born 1 mile E.
Oldest N.C. newspaper still being published. Begun 1816 as weekly; daily since 1896. E. J. Hale, editor, 1824-1865.
Editor and publisher of the Progressive Farmer, 1903-1954. Social and agricultural reformer. Lived 400 yards S.E.
Joseph, Raleigh Register founder, 1799; his wife Winifred, early novelist; sons Joseph and Weston, editors, lived 2 blks. E.
Editor. Appointed provisional governor, 1865. Elected governor, 1868; impeached and removed, 1871. Home stood here.
President of Raleigh and Gaston Railroad; president of the State Bank; publisher of the Raleigh "Minerva" 1803-1810. Home is 3 blks. S.W.
United States Senator, 1931-1946. A Baptist leader and editor of "The Biblical Recorder." Home was here.
Secretary of the Navy, 1913-21; ambassador to Mexico; author; editor, News and Observer. His home was here.