Topics Related to Invention

Physician; innovator in treatment of tuberculosis. Served in Europe, WWI; operated a sanatorium here, 1908-1918.
Botanical and historical writer; horticulturist. Originated concept of a temperate "thermal belt." Home stood 1/5 mi. W.
Engineer and inventor. Pioneered advances in textile mill air conditioning. Home 3 mi. SW.
Founder of High Shoals Iron Works about 1795. One of first producers of pig iron by charcoal process. Revolutionary patriot. Buried 20 yards W.
Prof. Henry L. Smith pioneered medical uses for x-rays. Conducted experiments and made radiographs Feb. 1896 in physics lab nearby.
A pharmacist and entrepreneur, he created Vicks VapoRub in 1894 while operating a drugstore 150 yards north.
Industrial experiment nearby in 1892 led to discovery of process for its manufacture. First produced commercially by James T. Morehead.
Invented in 1898 one of the first successful automatic cigarette machines. Workshop was 3 blocks east, home 614 W. Fifth St.
"Carbine" Williams, designer of short stroke piston, which made possible M-1 carbine rifle, widely used in WWII. Lived 2 mi. S.
Invented Lytch cotton planter (patented 1878), a favorite in the South, and other implements. Shops were 1/4 mile S.W. This was his home.