Topics Related to Historian

Historian, lawyer, and bibliophile. Gave to Asheville the Sondley Reference Library. His home is 2.7 mi. north.
Preeminent historian of North Carolina, author, & editor. Professor at UNC, 1935-1972. His birthplace is one mile east.
Educator, author, editor; Sec'y of N.C. Historical Commission, 1926-35. Birthplace 1 block east.
Founder, Guilford Battle Ground Company, 1887. Led effort to preserve battlefield. His grave is 200 yds. northwest.
Historian, archivist, & editor. Promoted "History for all the people" as head of N.C.'s state historical agency, 1935-1968. Boyhood home was here.
Ambassador to Germany, 1933-37; professor and writer of U.S. history. He was born 2 mi. N.E.
Historian, professor, & founder of the Southern Historical Collection at UNC. Born 1/2 block W.
Historian, bibliographer, collector of North Carolina books and manuscripts, professor at Trinity College, 1891-93. Grave 6 mi. N.E.
Educational reformer, historian and author. Secty. of Child Labor Committee, 1904-1916. Home was 1/2 blk. west.
First Archivist of the U.S., 1934-41. Secretary of the N.C. Historical Commission, historian, author, and teacher. His birthplace stood here.