Topics Related to Hertford County

Founded in 1886 for blacks by Calvin S. Brown, pastor, Pleasant Plains Baptist Church. Later a public school named for Brown.
Scene of minor skirmish between Confederate & Union troops driving on Richmond and Weldon Railroad, July 26, 1863. Breastworks 60 yds. SW.
Head of U.S. Yellow Fever Commission in Cuba, 1900-01. Lived here as a young man and married Emily Lawrence of this town.
First in North Carolina, organized at Ahoskie in 1909 as the Corn Club. Beginning of present large organization of rural youth in state.
Ralph Lane and a group of English colonists explored the Chawanook Indian country and the Chowan River, 1586, north to this vicinity.
Compiler of roster of North Carolina troops, 1861-1865, historian, novelist, Confederate major. His birthplace, "Mulberry Grove," 1 1/2 mi. E.
Patented rapid-firing Gatling Gun, 1862. Also invented a variety of agricultural implements. Birthplace was 2/10 mi. N.
A detachment of United States troops burned Winton on February 20, 1862. The first town in N.C. to be burned during the Civil War.
Home of William Hardy Murfree, member of U.S. Congress, 1813-1817; N.C. House, 1805 & 1812; presidential elector, 1812. House stands 1 block N.
Opened 1848 as Chowan Baptist Female Institute. Became four-year college, 1992. A university since 2006. Two blocks south.