Topics Related to Guilford County

Manufacture of cigars rolled by hand thrived in Greensboro, 1903-55. Employing mostly young women, 14 shops were clustered on S. Elm St.
A pharmacist and entrepreneur, he created Vicks VapoRub in 1894 while operating a drugstore 150 yards north.
Founder, Guilford Battle Ground Company, 1887. Led effort to preserve battlefield. His grave is 200 yds. northwest.
Est. by Robert P. Dick & John H. Dillard in 1878. About 300 graduates licensed. School, which was here, closed 1893.
Buffalo Soldier & officer. In 1890 awarded Medal of Honor. His long career exemplified struggles of black soldiers of the era. House stood here.
Congregational. Founded 1870 by former slave Rev. Madison Lindsay. Restored 1885 building is 80 yards southwest.
First steam-powered cotton mill in N.C. Operated ca. 1834-50 in large brick building that stood 2 blocks N.
Antislavery organization formed by Quakers in central N.C. First met at Centre, July 1816. Disbanded in 1834.
Opened interior of N.C. The ground-breaking took place nearby, July 11, 1851. First president, John Motley Morehead.
Established by Quakers 1867 to stem westward migration by promoting improved agricultural practices. Tract, sold in 1891, was 1/2 mi. E.