Topics Related to Colonial History

Parish established in 1753. Present building constructed in 1828, stands one block west.
NORTH CAROLINA / Colonized, 1585-87, by first English settlers in America; permanently settled c. 1650; first to vote readiness for independence, Apr. 12, 1776 b/w SOUTH CAROLINA / Formed in 1712 from part of Carolina, which was chartered in 1663, it was first settled by the English in 1670. One of the 13 original states.
Colonial trading route, dating from the seventeenth century, from Petersburg, Virginia, to the Catawba Indians in Carolina, passed here.
Colonial trading route, dating from the seventeenth century, from Petersburg, Virginia, to the Catawba Indians in Carolina, passed nearby.
Colonial trading route, dating from the seventeenth century, from Petersburg, Virginia, to the Waxhaw Indians in Carolina, passed nearby.
Colonial trading route, dating from the seventeenth century, from Petersburg, Virginia, to the Waxhaw Indians in Carolina, passed nearby.
Colonial trading route started in 17th century; extended from southern Va. to land of Catawba & Waxhaw Indians in N.C. Passed near this spot.
Colonial trading route dating from 17th century, from Petersburg, Virginia, to the Catawba and Waxhaw Indians in Carolina, passed nearby.
Home of the Knox family since colonial days. James Knox, grandfather of President James Knox Polk, lived there. House stood 4 miles west.
On famous trading path used by Indians and early settlers. There Greene, retreating from Cornwallis, crossed on Feb. 2, 1781. East 1 mi.