Topics Related to Colonial History

Built by Juan Pardo in 1567 at native town of Joara. Served as Spanish outpost until razed by Indians, 1568. NE 4 mi.
Prelude to the Battle of Kings Mountain. Site of a skirmish on Sept. 12, 1780, between Loyalists and "Overmountain Men."
Used by Indians and pioneers in crossing Blue Ridge. General Rutherford's expedition against Cherokee passed here, September, 1776.
Early outpost against Indians. Used by Gen. Rutherford in expedition against Cherokee, Sept., 1776. Stood nearby and gave name to this town.
First attorney general of North Carolina, 1777-79, member provincial congresses, colonel in Revolution. "Swan Ponds," his home, was 3 mi. S.W.
A rendezvous for the North Carolina militia led by General Griffith Rutherford against the Cherokee in 1776, was one mile east.
French botanist, pioneer in studying flora of western North Carolina, visited Grandfather Mountain, August, 1794.
French botanist, pioneer in studying flora of western North Carolina. Spent nights of Sept. 8, 1794, and May 2, 1795, at "Swan Ponds," 3 mi. S.W.
Home of Joseph McDowell (1758-1795), soldier and physician. Officer at the Battle of Kings Mountain.
Home of William Lenoir, leader in Revolution & public affairs. Built 1788-92 and named for colonial fort on the site 4 1/2 miles east.