Topics Related to Civil War

Confederate troops led by Gen. Robert F. Hoke, aided by ram Albemarle, retook Union-occupied town, April 17-20, 1864.
Principal Confederate fort on Roanoke Island. Mounted twelve guns. Surrendered Feb. 8, 1862. Earthworks are 100 yards south.
First major campaign in N.C. conducted by the U.S. Colored Troops, Dec. 1863. Freed thousands of enslaved in the area.
Member of N.C. Assembly and U.S. Congress. Confederate colonel. Killed in attack on New Bern, Feb. 1, 1864. Home & grave about 150 feet West.
The Confederate ironclad ram Albemarle, led by Capt. J. W. Cooke, crossed Batchelor's Bay, May 5, 1864, and fought seven Union warships 15 mi. E.
Scene of minor skirmish between Confederate & Union troops driving on Richmond and Weldon Railroad, July 26, 1863. Breastworks 60 yds. SW.
Compiler of roster of North Carolina troops, 1861-1865, historian, novelist, Confederate major. His birthplace, "Mulberry Grove," 1 1/2 mi. E.
A Confederate brigadier general at age 23, state auditor, a member of Convention of 1875. His grave is 700 yds. west.
Patented rapid-firing Gatling Gun, 1862. Also invented a variety of agricultural implements. Birthplace was 2/10 mi. N.
A detachment of United States troops burned Winton on February 20, 1862. The first town in N.C. to be burned during the Civil War.