Topics Related to Civil War

Federal gunboat Ellis attacked this town Nov. 23, 1862, then ran aground downstream. It was abandoned under Confederate crossfire.
Site of Fort Caswell, built by N.C., 1775-76, to protect New Bern, renamed Fort Lane by Confederacy. Taken by U.S., Mar., 1862. 1/2 mi. E.
Here stood one of the forts built around New Bern by Union forces after they took the town in March, 1862.
United States troops led by Gen. Ambrose Burnside took New Bern, March 14, 1862. City was occupied for duration of the war.
Principal Union fort at Plymouth, named for Gen. Thomas Williams, stood here. It was the last fort to fall, April 20, 1864.
The Confederate ironclad ram "Albemarle" sank the Union gunboat "Southfield", April 19, 1864, one mile N.E. in the Roanoke River.
The main line of Union defenses during the Battle of Plymouth, April 17-20, 1864, was built across the road at this point.
Union fort built by the 85th New York Regiment. It was taken on April 18, 1864, in one of the heaviest assaults of the siege.
General Matt Ransom's brigade formed in line of battle near here in the final Confederate attack, April 20, 1864.
The extreme left flank of Confederate General Robt. F. Hoke's brigade was formed a few yds. N. just before the final attack, April 20, 1864.