Topics Related to Civil War Hospitals

Opened 1859; D. H. Hill was 1st superintendent; used as Confederate hospital; public school, 1883-1950. Stood near here.
Established by John M. Morehead, operated, 1840-1862, 1868-1871. Building, burned in 1872, stood at this site.
Set up in the First Presbyterian Church to receive wounded from Battle of Bentonville, 1865, was here.
The 1865 home of Wm. Smith, 100 yds. E., was used as a hospital for Union troops in the Battle of Averasboro, March 15-16, 1865.
Plantation home of John Smith, used as a Confederate hospital during the Battle of Averasboro, March 16, 1865.
Field Hospital of the XX Corps during the Battle of Bentonville was located here. Four hundred Union soldiers, wounded in the Battle of Averasboro (16 miles west) on March 16, were brought here for treatment.
Following the battle, 45 Confederate wounded were hospitalized in the Harper House. Nineteen of these men died here. Surgeons moved the others to regular Confederate hospitals.
Farquhard Smith's home was used as Confederate hospital during the Battle of Averasboro, March 15-16, 1865.
Site of Confederate hospital, U.S. Army barracks, Confederate Soldiers' Home, 1891-1938.
Founded by Presbyterian elder Wm. Peace 1857 as school for women; opened 1872. Main building used as Confederate hospital & by Freedmen's Bureau.