Topics Related to Civil Rights

Born in West Africa's Gold Coast (now Ghana), James Emman Kwegyir Aggrey enrolled at Livingstone College in 1898 & later joined the faculty. In 1920 he returned to Africa where he influenced the course of post-colonialism. In 1905 Aggrey married Rose Douglass, teacher long active across the state in groups advocating education, social welfare, & racial harmony. This was their home.
Free black served as a Baptist pastor at Rocky River Church until law in 1831 barred blacks from public preaching. Buried 500 yards west.
During epidemic of 1948, integrated hospital built in 95 days. In 1963, it was makeshift jail for civil rights protesters. Operated 1/10 mi. S.
Landmark federal court of appeals decision 1963 involving Cone Hospital led to racial integration of hospitals in the U.S.
Launched the national drive for integrated lunch counters, Feb. 1, 1960, in Woolworth store 2 blocks south.
Ku Klux Klan members and American Nazis, on Nov. 3, 1979, shot and killed five Communist Workers Party members one-tenth mile north.
In 1951 superintendent Mildred Poole integrated Post School 2 miles N.E. three years before U.S. Supreme Court mandate.
The Lumbee and other American Indians ousted the Ku Klux Klan from Maxton, Jan. 18, 1958, at rally, 1 1/2 miles SW.
Free black abolitionist & conspirator in 1859 with John Brown in attack on U.S. arsenal at Harpers Ferry. Killed in assault. Lived in Fayetteville.
Indian. Champion of the poor. Declared outlaw, he eluded capture and disappeared in swamps, ca. 1872. House 3 mi. NW.