Topics Related to Camden County

Oldest Baptist church in N.C. Organized by Sept. 5, 1729, by Paul Palmer. The present chapel was erected here in 1849.
Methodist since 1792. Begun as Anglican c. 1733. Visited by bishops Francis Asbury and Thomas Coke. Building erected 1837; remodeled 1882. 2 1/2 mi. E.
Acting governor, 1722-1724; president of the Provincial Council. His home stood 3/4 mile east.
Author of "Blackbeard, a Comedy," 1824, an early drama on North Carolina, & other works. Member of Congress. Grave 160 yds. N.W.
Member provincial congress, 1775; brigadier general of militia in Revolution; member N.C. conventions, 1788-1789. Home is 4 miles S.E.
Member of provincial congresses, 1775-1776; lieutenant colonel of militia in Revolution; Congressman, 1795-99. Grave is 7 miles S.E.
Connects Albemarle Sound with Chesapeake Bay. Begun 1790; in use by War of 1812.
Confederates, on Apr. 19, 1862, repelled Union army here, prevented demolition of Dismal Swamp Canal locks three miles N.W.