Topics Related to Brunswick County

Do you like to find cool stuff off the beaten path?

Large Confederate fort, remains here. After a strong Union attack it was evacuated on Feb. 18, 1865, resulting in the fall of Wilmington.
Barbadian planter turned pirate made N.C. his base, 1718. Captured in naval battle few mi. E. Hanged in Charleston.
Category 4 storm made landfall at Long Beach, October 15, 1954, with winds over 140 mph & 17-foot surge. Nineteen people killed in N.C.
Columnist and author. His 1957 novel The Old Man and the Boy based on childhood visits with grandparents 1 block W.
Governor, 1897-1901; Superior Court judge, 1868-1874; member of Congress, 1879-1881. Born two miles N.E.
Last royal governor of North Carolina, 1771-75. Fearing capture, in June 1775 he sought refuge here. Fled offshore to HMS Cruizer in July.
Governor, 1810-1811, legislator, soldier, benefactor of UNC. His plantation, "Belvedere," was 6 miles northeast.
Home of royal governors Dobbs and Tryon. Site of Stamp Act resistance in 1765. Burned in American Revolution.
Commissioners met here to run boundary in 1764. Popular stop for colonial travelers. Ruins used to est. present state line in 1928. Located 2 3/4 mi. S.E.