Topics Related to Battles

On a raid through western North Carolina Gen. Stoneman's U.S. cavalry fought a skirmish with southern troops at Shallow Ford, April 11, 1865.
Used in the Revolution. Greene's Army camped there after Battle of Guilford Courthouse, 1781. Washington visited, 1791. Site is 1 1/2 mile north.
Armies of Greene and Cornwallis engaged in pivotal battle here on March 15, 1781. Site now U.S. military park.

Location: SR 1801 (Ross West Road) north of Godwin
County: Cumberland
Original Date Cast: 1961

(Large rectangular marker with map; full text follows)

Location: I-95 (northbound) at rest area near Fayetteville
County: Cumberland
Original Date Cast: 1962

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The brigade of Colonel A. M. Rhett was repulsed 300 yds. W. on March 16, 1865, by Union troops under Col. Henry Case.
Prior to the Battle of Moores Creek Bridge, forces of Gen. James Moore, Whig commander, camped, Feb. 15-21, 1776, 1 1/2 miles northeast.
Whigs broke Tory power in Bladen Co., August, 1781, driving them into Tory Hole, 50 yards N.

Location: I-95 (southbound) at rest area near Selma
County: Johnston
Original Date Cast: 1962

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Farquhard Smith's home was used as Confederate hospital during the Battle of Averasboro, March 15-16, 1865.