Topics Related to Ashe County

Copper mine operated intermittently, 1850s to 1962. Site of Ore Knob, boom mining town, inc. 1875. Shafts 1 mile N.
American botanist and Harvard professor. In July 1841, investigated the region's flora. Headquarters was in house that stood 50 yds. N.
NORTH CAROLINA / Colonized, 1585-87, by first English settlers in America; permanently settled c. 1650; first to vote readiness for independence, Apr. 12, 1776 b/w VIRGINIA / First permanent English colony in America, 1607, one of thirteen original states. Richmond, the capital, was seat of Confederate government.
NORTH CAROLINA / Colonized, 1585-87, by first English settlers in America; permanently settled c. 1650; first to vote readiness for independence, Apr. 12, 1776 b/w VIRGINIA / First permanent English colony in America, 1607, one of thirteen original states. Richmond, the capital, was seat of Confederate government.