Topics Related to Agriculture

N.C. General Assembly appropriated funding for rural schools in 1911 to teach homemaking and farm life skills. First was opened 3/10 mile N.
State's first no-till crop planted in 1962. Method since widely adopted. Field was 300 yards northeast.
Founded in 1894 by the Presbyterian Church as Asheville Farm School. A four-year college since 1966. 1 1/2 mi. E.
Confederate Secretary of Treasury, 1864-65; S.C. legislator, cotton broker and financier. Summer home "Solitude" stood 1/2 mile east.
First N.C. cotton & corn demonstration supervised by a county agent held here on a farm of J. F. Eagle, 1907-1908.
Secretary of Agriculture and later of the Treasury under Wilson. College president and author. His birthplace stood 60 yards north.
First president of N.C. Farmers' Alliance, 1887. Was N.C. senator & U.S. congressman. Advocate of agricultural education. Home is 1 block S.E.
"Johnny Appleseed of the West." Travelled to Oregon 1847 with West Coast's first grafted apple trees. Till 1822 he lived 2 miles NE.
Physician. Advocate of scientific agriculture. His plantation "Linwood" was 6 miles southwest. Built home here, 1834.
"Father of soil conservation." First chief of the Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1935-1952. Born 4 miles southwest.