Topics Related to African American History

Black soldiers & white officers in Union army, 1863-1865. About 500 involved in Wilmington campaign buried here.
Pioneer black architect. Taught, designed buildings at Tuskegee, 1893-1933. Housing projects bore his name. Lived 3 blocks N.
His Appeal, influential 1829 pamphlet, denounced slavery. A free black, he grew up in Wilmington; moved to Boston by 1825.
Edited black-owned Daily Record four blocks east. Mob burned his office, Nov. 10, 1898, leading to "race riot" & restrictions on black voting in N.C.
Educator. President of what is now N.C. A. & T. University, 1896-1925. His grave is 5 blocks N.
School for blacks, 1868-1921. Founded by American Missionary Assoc. Named for benefactor James H. Gregory. Was 4 blocks E.
1st known black physician with an M.D. degree in N.C. Practiced 1878-89. Home and office stood one block north.
Congregation formed in 1865. Present church constructed 1880 on land donated by Geo. Peabody. Located 2 blocks east.
Black conjoined twins born near here, 1851. Exhibited in U.S. and Europe. Died in 1912. Grave is five miles N.
Fought, Feb. 20-21, 1865, between U.S. Colored Troops and Confederates. Last engagement before the fall of Wilmington. Earthworks 300 yds. N.E.