Topics Related to Historical Markers

Nurse anesthetist. Her WWI service influenced British medical corps to train female anesthetists, 1918. Home was here.
Station opened 4 mi. NW 1963 to track satellites & manned space flights. Collected data for Dept. of Defense, 1982-1995.
Devastated western N.C. and western Piedmont; destroyed homes, crops, mills, bridges. Four lives lost, July 16, near main gate of Biltmore Estate.
“Singing Brakeman” lived in Asheville, 1927. Began his country music career with radio broadcasts on WWNC, then 50 yds. W.
Prototype domes built nearby in 1948 & 1949 by Buckminster Fuller while he taught at Black Mountain College.
Model logging village established in 1905. Supplied lumber to WWI effort & Champion paper mill. Flooded by Lake Logan, 1932. Was here.
Lost industry in western N.C. Bark used to process animal hides to make leather goods. Joseph Silversteen operated one here from 1901 to 1958.
Founded 1868. Oldest Universalist church in western N.C. Hannah J. Powell led mission work and school, 1921-42, at site 100 yards south.
Writer, artist, Jazz Age icon; wife of F. Scott Fitzgerald. In 1948, she and 8 other patients died in fire at Highland Hospital, ¼ mile S.
Est. 1892 as center of social, moral, religious influence for blacks working at Biltmore. Businesses thrived in building 100 yards S.