Small local history museums and historical societies with limited means often need advice and/or guidance in dealing with technical and administrative problems.

Indiscriminate collecting, for example, if unchecked can rapidly destroy a museum's purpose and relevance in the community it seeks to serve. Proper methods of accessioning, cataloging, storing and conserving artifacts and documents are the backbone of a successful museum or archival program, and these methods go hand-in-hand with effective interpretation and exhibit techniques. 

A major goal of the Western Office is to provide these organizations direction, advice and technical assistance in areas where they have limited experience and/or resources. Western Office staff also work closely at times with the Mountain Gateway Museum Service Center in Old Fort, a branch of the North Carolina Museum of History in Raleigh.

Museums In Partnership (MIP)is a resource sharing organization for local museums, historic sites and similar organizations that collect, preserve, interpret, and exhibit some aspect of Western North Carolina's cultural heritage. There are no dues and MIP members meet several times throughout the year at different sites across the region. 

Jeff Futch, Regional Supervisor, is retiring from the NC Dept. of Natural and Cultural Resources effective February 1st. Cultural institutions needing assistance should contact Adrienne Berney, Outreach Coordinator State Archives, at or 919-814-6863.

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